A very hot topic right now is the importance of uncluttering your life.  The theory is that everything has energy. You should get rid of anything in your home that you don’t use or that doesn’t bring you joy; everything else drains your energy.

Can the same thing be said about the people in our lives?


Consider Your Inner Circle

Take a moment to consider the people you surround yourself with.  Are they complainers, focusing on what’s wrong and just generally negative most of the time?  Are they cynical, jealous, never compassionate or have other behavior that doesn’t align with who you are becoming?

Now, spend a few minutes to take an honest look at yourself.  Do you see some of these same traits in yourself?  Is it possible that the people in your life are draining your energy and keeping you negative?


Who Are You Attracting?

If you are at a point in your life where you want more … more fun, more laughter, more fulfillment, more success, you need to surround yourself with more positive people.  This does not mean to immediately cut ties with friends or family that are draining you.  You may find, as your energy changes and moves into a more positive space, some of your low-energy friends will naturally fade away. When you no longer feed their desire to stay negative, it may make them very uncomfortable.  They will seek others that have the same low energy they do.

Instead, you may “magically” find new friends that are, like you, learning and growing and excited about the future. Think of yourself as a magnet that attracts like-energy.  As your energy changes, so will the type of people that are drawn to you.  You may even notice that some of your more negative friends may start to shift; just as negativity is contagious, so is positivity.


Go Where the Energy Is.

Spend some time throughout your day to notice the type of energy the people surrounding you have, and, if they have a heavy, negative vibe, start looking for those with more positive energy and spend more of your time with them. They will not only support you as you decide to move forward in your life but will actually cheer you on!

No longer will you feel drained by your interactions with your inner circle; they will energize you! Pay attention to the company you keep.

Your tribe is waiting for you!

Stop Hiding. Start Living.

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