Your Unscripted Life, My Blog

The Stranger in the Mirror

You get up in the morning and drag your ass to the bathroom trying to work out the stiffness that has settled into your body overnight.  You do what you need to do, go to the sink to wash your hands, and look in the mirror.  Who the hell is the old woman staring back […]

Surviving a Crisis in Midlife

  It’s happened; that thing you never saw coming. You were blindsided and totally unprepared. Are you in your 40’s, 50’s or 60’s and feel like your entire world has been turned upside down? I don’t just mean something unexpected happened; I mean the life you’ve been living no longer exists and you‘re devastated. You [...]

The Company You Keep

A very hot topic right now is the importance of uncluttering your life.  The theory is that everything has energy. You should get rid of anything in your home that you don't use or that doesn’t bring you joy; everything else drains your energy. Can the same thing be said about the people in our [...]

You’re Not Too Old and it’s Not Too Late

Why is it that when women reach a certain age, they feel that all their life experiences, knowledge and life lessons are suddenly considered null and void? In most of the world’s cultures, the oldest residents are the most respected; they are recognized as the wisest and their knowledge is valued.   The Lesson of [...]

Why Do You Listen to Such Sad Music?

It was just a passing comment, 25 years ago.  I was driving back from Florida where my mom and sister lived on my way home to Atlanta.  It had been years since my sister and I had been on a road trip together.  We were in my car, so I was playing “my music” and [...]

Be Unapologetically You

Does the thought of being seen for who you really are terrify you? Do you live your life for everyone else, showing coworkers, friends, even some family members the person they expect to see; the version of you that they’re comfortable with? It’s exhausting trying to be someone you’re not; someone everyone else wants you [...]

Dear Younger Me

Have you ever stopped to think back to a younger version of yourself? How different was that younger version from the current you? Children are completely confident in who they are; they automatically love themselves.  They don’t need validation from anyone else; they already feel complete.   The You That You’ve Forgotten Try writing a [...]

Life’s a Bitch!

Did you ever have one of those days when it feels like everything you touch turns to shit? It feels like nothing is going your way, you have this black cloud hanging over your head, and you end up thinking, “And the hits just keep on coming!”. We’ve all been there. It Can Become a [...]